Early Years Provision
'Children get off to a very strong start in early years. The curriculum has been
designed to help children to practise, embed and apply their learning.''Outstanding' EYFS Provision, December 2023
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Woodberry Down school consists of our 2 Years Old Provision, Nursery and Reception classes. All classes are taught by experienced, qualified staff who follow our own Early Years curriculum, which we have developed in accordance with the EYFS Statutory Framework and the non-statutory guidance, Development Matters (2023) and Birth to 5 Matters.
What is our teaching approach in the Early Years?
- A mix of engaging child-initiated and adult-led activities;
- A balance of carefully planned purposeful play and direct teaching;
- Exciting learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom;
- Exposure to a wealth of rich language through a wide range of books and quality, meaningful interactions;
- Caring, kind staff who model positive learning behaviours;
- Learning environments that inspire and excite;
- Support to manage emotions and personal relationships;
- Individualised, inclusive learning that takes into account each child’s unique interests and needs.
Our curriculum overviews:
How do you get a place for your child in our Early Years?
If you are interested in your child attending our school, please contact the school office on 020 8800 5758 to arrange a tour with our EYFS Leader, Joanna Ichim. These run every Monday at 1.30pm or 5.00pm, but we are happy to accommodate alternative days!
Alternatively, please use this link or scan the QR code below to make an application and join our waiting list immediately:
We offer extended hours provision for our EYFS pupils, from 8.00am to 6.00pm. Before school wraparound costs £5/day and after school care from 3.30pm until 6pm costs £10/day.