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    Meet The Team

    Amanda Clarke                                                     

    - Gold Class Teacher                                                                       

    Sophie Beth-Williams                                                                     

    -Silver Class Teacher                                                                       

     Sazna Begum

    - Early Years Educator

    Samantha Bryant  

     - Early Years Educator

    Anila Elezi

    - Teaching Assistant

    Esma Karadal

    - Teaching Assistant                                                                          






    Curriculum Leaflets

    Find out what we will be learning this term:


    Home Learning Projects

    A creative project linked to the topic of this term:


    Home Learning Portal

    Please check the Nursery Home Learning Portal for weekly updates on children's learning across all areas of the curriculum and special events, such as Come Learn with Me and Family Friday.

    Nursery: Summer 2

    Our Core Texts:


    Coming Up Events:

    - New to Reception- Gruffalo’s Picnic - Thursday 4th July

    Nursery Sports Day - Friday 21st July